Slot Car Collectors

Blog dedicated to the slot cars fans' collectionning Carrera, Fly, MRRC, Ninco, Scalextric... The blog dedicated to the slot cars fans' collecting the Scalextric, Fly, Carrera, MRRC, Ninco, etc.


Are slot cars too expansive ?

That's a good question, isn't it !

I recently saw on Internet some examples where very rare slot cars (see picture above*) did sold for hundreds of dollars or euros !

But even if they are not very rare, and manufactured in China, quality miniature toys are usually expansive. But especially in the case of slot cars. Difficult to find any limited model like Scalextric Sport Edition under 50 or 60 euros in an official retailer shop ! That's a lot, especially for so called children toys.

Fortunately, it is much cheaper on Internet, the Ebay likes for instance, for those who have enough time and the good connections. Why...

Why are they so expansive ? Because, they are manufactured in small quantities ? Not only. Because they have a limited number of sells worldwide ? Not only. In fact, those slot cars became very expansive because of speculation. Do you know Dinky Toys, remember the cars when you were a youth ? Even used, they sell at terrible prices now..., because they are bought by adults with nostalgia mainly.

They collect them again, as they did when they were young, but with much more money this time. Now, it is the same phenomena with a 50 years old brand like Scalextric, which has created hundreds of different cars all this year. In fact, it seems that they have commercialised more cars than all its competitors (Carrera, Fly, Ninco, SCX, etc) united ?

But, one will argue that those cars are not so expansive, because it is good quality stuff. Very collectible for most of them, and so, easy to resell, even with some profits, after years. Furthermore, you can race them and not the "inactive", but very nice, regular model cars from Minichamps, Dinky Toys, which are almost as expansive.

So, Finally, passion is passion. If you can afford those wonderful slot cars, good for you; otherwise, this site will help you to dream about them in the meanwhile.

No ?

* Photo credit on the site : thanks to Scalextric, Fly, Ninco, Carrera and all the slot cars fans
** see my other blog on slot car in French :


Too much choice


Surfing on the sudden renew interest surrounding slot cars actually, manufacturers (Scalextric, Fly, SCX, Carrera, Ninco, etc.) aren't they issuing too many models at the same time ?

How can you collect all this new and nice looking slot cars ? There is a dozen new models per month. So it is impossible, except if you are rich or, like me, you specialized on a few types of cars.

In doing so, slot cars manufacturers risk to bore or discourage actual or future clients, who can't afford spending hundreds of bucks each quarter.

They also risk to see prices going down rapidly, especially on Internet, where the commercial competition is tough.

Slot Car retailers could also suffer from this avalanche of new models they can't stock for ever.

Who do you like to see the slot cars prices going down ?


Bonne année 2006/Happy new year !!

je profite de la création de mon premier envoi pour souhaiter une bonne année à tous les bloggers et collectionneurs de voitures électriques (slot cars) du monde

Car comme vous l'aurez compris, ce blog est dédié aux fans de ces petites voitures magnifiques Scalextric, Fly, etc., qui ont fait rêvé beaucoup d'entre nous lors de notre enfance qui, hélas, s'éloigne...

En les achetant aujourd'hui, ce que nous ne pouvions nous permettre, faute de moyens lorsque nous étions minots, nous retrouvons une part de nos rêves d'enfance, sans doute...

Y-a un psy dans l'assistance ?

Pour ma part, je collectionne depuis un an les AC Cobra, GT 40, Seat 600 et Viper, et vous ?

Bref, les colonnes de ce site vous sont dédiés.

n'hésitez pas à commenter, vous êtes les bienvenus

PS : les questions qui se pose désormais est : dois-je rédiger les messages en français ou en anglais