Slot Car Collectors

Blog dedicated to the slot cars fans' collectionning Carrera, Fly, MRRC, Ninco, Scalextric... The blog dedicated to the slot cars fans' collecting the Scalextric, Fly, Carrera, MRRC, Ninco, etc.



Who ever saw this spanish limited vintage 1/32 slot car ? This is an Alpine Renault 2000 created by Scalextric Exin for the Spanish Banco Occidental. It sold on Internet for over 500 E in january. So, a bit more than its sister car, the Tyrrell P34 Banco Occidental edited also by Scalextric Exin. We did present it to you during spring 2006. Both are vintage limited edition from the 80 ies.


Technitoys 5th anniversary

SCX, the spanish edition of Scalextric has released in 2002 this very rare slot Porsche 911 GTI to commemorate its 5th anniversary. This rare 1/32 model sold on january for more than 400 euros.



This transparent slot Porsche Carrera from Reprotec was sold on the Slotmania booth during the Madrid ForoSlot convention, in avril 2005. This is a rare spanish limited edition of 150 ex. A real plus for all Porsche slot collectors

1 million Beetles sold !

Pink Kar is commemorating with this gold Beetle 1/32 slot car the 1 million mythic Beetle produced by Volkswagen. This model (CV024) is a limited edition of 1500 ex. The spanish Pink Kar has also released 1500 ex of a blue Euro Beetle.


The orange "estacion del Hobby"

This BMW M1, driven by the famous Kurt Konig during the DRT 1982, is a limited edition (1500 ex) release by the spanish Fly to celebrate Jagermeifter, one of its most known distributor, called "La estacion del Hobby". This 1/32 slot car is sold in Spain for not less than 100 euros.